BLT - Bethlehem Land Trust HUNTER PACE
November 10, 2024
March Farms - Bethlehem, CT
ALL PHOTOS ARE NOW POSTED from the Cornfield, Bellamy field, Candids, and Awards.
Photos Will be Edited once Ordered:
Cropping/zooming in, centering, fix lighting & shadows, and darken sky.
You can also let me know any special editing requests you have.
The Winner of the BLT FREE 8x10 Enlargement is TEAM #2! Congratulations!!
Thank you for your business! I truly appreciate you.

This is Copyright THEFT and is a Very Uncool thing to do! If you like the photo enough to screenshot it, you like it enough to purchase it.
BLT Photo Package Special
$130 Per Team:
Digital download of ALL photos taken
of your TEAM
Includes any Candids/Awards photos too!